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足球的由來 中英文對照

Origin football

Sport is an ancient sport, goes back to ancient times. It is said that the Greeks and Romans in the Middle Ages had previously engaged in a football game. In a rectangular space, throwing the ball to the middle of the white line, they play with their feet to roll the other venues, said this game was for the "Habashituomu." The beginning of the nineteenth century, football in Europe and Latin America at that time a number of countries, especially in the British capitalism is already very popular. Until 1848, the first football in the form of written rules, "Cambridge Rules" was born. However many data indicate that the emergence of ancient Chinese football earlier than in Europe, more long history. Ancient Chinese Football called "Cuju" or "Taju", "quick fix" and "蹋" are kicked mean, "Ju" is a ball. "Cuju" the earliest recorded in the "Historical Records gang up QI write", Han Liu Xiang "not registered" and Tong Yan Yan division has "Hanshu.枚乘Biography" are documented. By Tang and Song Dynasties period, "Cuju" has been very popular as the elegant palace of the activities. In July 1958, FIFA President Joao Havelange Dr. incumbent to China, he expressed: football originated in China. Of course, due to the limitations of the feudal society, China's ancient Cuju ultimately did not develop into a "fair competition" for the principles of modern sport. This is a qualitative leap in the British capitalism completed.

Football Development

From the 17th century late, the sport has gradually been shifted from Europe and the United States into countries in the world, particularly in developed countries culture some more prevalent. More and more people toward stadium to plunge themselves into this very irritating, Cheong excitement to the movement, even temporarily conducted in a good or bad football as a measure of a country's culture developed, or the signs. In such circumstances, the British took the lead for the development of sport has made important contributions. On October 26, 1863, the British Queen's Street in London Fulimasen hotel establishment of the world's first Football Association - England Football Association. Apart from the England Football Association announced at the formal establishment, and formulated and adopted the world's first, a more unified soccer competition rules, forms and records written down. The birth of the Football Association of England, marks the sport's development has entered a new stage. Thus, people recognized on October 26, 1863, namely the establishment of the Football Association of England, for the birth of modern football. The Football Association has led the establishment of a number of countries in Europe and Latin America the vigorous development of sport, in 1872 in England and Scotland between the Association for the first time in history the game, the 1890 Austrian started organizing soccer Championships, 1889 in the Netherlands and Argentina a number of football, 1900 in Barcelona, Spain set up a "female泰羅尼亞" Football Association. These developments, the creation of an international organization created conditions for soccer. On May 21, 1904, the International Federation of Football Association (FIFA, the English abbreviation for FIFA) in Paris Saint Honore Street 229, the French sports, the Association of Union resident floor after the formal establishment, France 7 State representatives and agents in the relevant document signed characters. On May 23, 1904, FIFA held its first session of the congress, France's Robert. Covered Lin was elected first President. On April 14, 1905, the Football Association to join the International Football Federation. With football forecasts with the formation of soccer lottery developed.


足球運動是壹項古老的體育活動,源遠流長。據說,希臘人和羅馬人在中世紀以前就已經從事壹種足球遊戲了。他們在壹個長方形場地上,將球放在中間的白線上,用腳把球踢滾到對方場地上,當時稱這種遊戲為“哈巴斯托姆”。到19世紀初葉,足球運動在當時歐洲及拉 美壹些國家特別是在資本主義的英國已經相當盛行。直到1848年,足球運動的第壹個文字形式的規則《劍橋規則》誕生了。 然而眾多的資料表明,中國古代足球的出現比歐洲更早,歷史更為悠久。我國古代足球稱為“蹴鞠”或“蹋鞠”, “蹴”和“蹋”都是踢的意思,“鞠”是球名。“蹴鞠”壹詞最早記載在《史記匪漲亓寫》裏,漢代劉向《別錄》和唐人顏師曾為《漢書 .枚乘傳》均有記載。到了唐宋時期,“蹴鞠”活動已十分盛行 ,成為宮廷之中的高雅活動。1958年7月,國際足聯現任主席阿維蘭熱博士來中國時曾表示:足球起源於中國。當然,由於封建社會的局限,中國古代的蹴鞠活動最終沒有發展成為以“公平競爭”為原則的現代足球運動。這個質的飛躍是在資本 主義的英國完成的。


從17世紀中後期開始,足球運動逐步從歐美傳入世界各國,尤其是在壹些文化發達的國家更為盛行。越來越多的人走向球場,投身到這壹富有刺激性和暢快感的運動中去,以至於壹度將足球運動開展得好壞作為衡量壹個國家 文化發達與否的標誌。在這種情況下,英國人率先為足球運動的發展作出了重要貢獻。1863年10月26日,英國人在倫敦皇後大街弗裏馬森旅館成立了世界第壹個足球協會—— 英格蘭足球協會。會上除了宣布英格蘭足協正式成立之外,制定和通過了世界第壹部較為統壹的足球競賽規則,並以文字形式記載下來。英格蘭足球協會的誕生,標誌著足球運動的發展進入了壹個嶄新的階段。因而,人們公認1863年10月26日,即英格蘭足球協會成立之日為現代足球的誕生日。 英格蘭足協的成立帶動了歐洲和拉美壹些國家足球運動的蓬勃發展,1872年英格蘭和蘇格蘭之間進行了歷史上第壹次協會間的比賽,1890的奧地利開始舉辦足球錦標賽,1889的荷蘭和阿根廷出現了若幹個足球組織,1900的西班牙巴塞羅那成立了“女泰羅尼亞”足球協會。這些發展,為創建國際性的足球組織創造了 條件。1904年5月21日,國際足球協會聯合會(簡稱國際足聯,英文縮寫為FIFA)在法國巴黎聖奧諾雷街229號法國體育運動,協會聯盟駐地的後樓正式成立,法國等7個國家的代表和代理人在有關文件上簽了字。1904年5月23日,國際足聯召開了第1屆全 體代表大會,法國的羅伯特.蓋林被推選為第壹任主席。1905年4月14日,英格蘭足協加入國際足球聯合會。足球預測跟隨著足球彩票的形成而發展。