在英語裏,表示取得成功有很多種說法,不過I pulled it off.這句短語帶有壹點幸運的意思,比方說妳購買福利彩票,中了頭獎,毫無疑問妳可以高呼:I pulled it off.
Chris: Did you watch the table tennis game between DengYaPing and WangNan last night? 妳昨晚看沒看鄧亞萍和王楠之間的乒乓球賽?
Helen: No, what was the final result? 沒有,最後結果如何?
Chris: Deng pulled it off in the last 5 minutes. 鄧亞萍最後5分鐘控制了局面.
A: You're lucky. You should treat me to dinner. 妳真幸運,妳今天該請我吃飯.
B: What do you mean I'm lucky? 妳說我走運是什麽意思?
A: You don't know? You‘ve been accepted by Beijing University. You pulled it off. 妳還不知道啊?妳被北大錄取了,妳成功了.
Helen: John lost 15 pounds in 2 weeks. John在兩周內減去15磅.
Joe: It sounds impossible, but he pulled it off. 聽起來似天方夜談,但他成功了.
1.The mayor ran for re-election and he pulled it off. 市長參加競選連任,而且他成功了.
2.My sister applied for a visa to America last week, and she pulled it off. You know, many people were refused. 我妹妹上周申請去美國的簽證,她成功了.妳知道,有很多人被拒簽.
3.I won a camera on the TV game show. I pull it off. 我參加電視遊戲贏了壹個相機,我幸運地取得了成功.