The light source design can be a kind of subjective, reinforcing or, in a sense, arbitrary image element in cartoons. It is able to express the overall hue and emotional elements of an animated film in a larger scale. Currently, 3D becomes more popular in cartoons in that compared to 2D, its light source setting is more vivid and more convenient to apply. Representation of 3D cartoons is becoming diversified gradually and the representing space of 3D cartoon light design is getting wider. Good light effect is essential to a successful 3D cartoon.
The paper explores the approach and principle of 3D light arrangement by analyzing the light setting in 3D cartoons as well as a representative film of Fantasy. It also gives account of functions of light in 3D cartoons. Findings of the paper shows that lights in a 3D cartoon can be divided into main light source, auxiliary light source and back light according to functions of light in arrangement. This is the classic 3-spot light design principle which can make the light arrangement more like real light source. Also, a cartoon’s genre and representation style determines its light design. Fantasy is oriented as lifelike cartoon style, and we are trying to make the light representation more lifelike. A vivid scene created in the 3-spot light arrangement principle can meet what the playbook requires.