1、the gift:靈異大逆轉;驚魂眼;禮物;片。
2、gift box:禮品盒;彩盒;禮盒;禮物盒。
3、birthday gift:生日禮物;我的生日禮物;第壹版;壽禮。
4、free gift:贈品
5、gift coupon:禮券;[貿易]贈券;員工福利;彩票。
6、gift baskets:禮品籃;葡萄酒禮盒;禮盒;烈性酒禮盒。
7、britbday gift:生日禮物。
8、gift bear:鉤編禮物熊。
9、gift show:禮品展;禮品展示;國際禮品展覽會;花茗秀。
10、have a gift for:對...有天賦。
1、I received a thoughtful gift from my friend for my birthday.(我收到了朋友為我生日準備的壹份貼心禮物。)
2、She gave her teacher a small gift as a token of appreciation for all the hard work.(她送給老師壹份小禮物,以表達對老師所有辛勤工作的感激之情。)
3、He wrapped the gift carefully and added a nice bow on top of it.(他仔細地包好禮物,並在上面紮上壹個漂亮的蝴蝶結。)
4、The company sent a gift basket to their clients during the holiday season.(公司在假期季節給客戶送去了壹籃子禮品。)
5、They exchanged gifts at the family reunion during Christmas.(他們在聖誕節家庭聚會上互相交換禮物。)
6、Her parents gave her a special gift for her graduation,a trip to Europe.(她的父母為了慶祝她的畢業,送給了她壹份特別的禮物,壹次歐洲之旅。)
7、To show his love and commitment,he gave her an engagement ring as a gift.(為了表達他的愛和承諾,他把訂婚戒指當作禮物送給了她。)
8、The company announced a gift card program for its employees to enjoy some shopping.(公司宣布推出禮品卡計劃,供員工去購物。)
9、The couple donated a generous gift to the local charity organization.(這對夫婦向當地慈善組織捐贈了壹份慷慨的禮物。)
10、The event organizer prepared gift bags for all the attendees as a thank you gesture.(活動組織者為所有參會者準備了禮品袋,以此表達感謝之意。)