Sentence 1.
He helped popularise the idea that some diseases not previously thought to have a bacterial cause were actually infections, which ruffled many scientific feathers when it was first suggested.
Ruffle one’s feathers惹怒(想想逆毛流擼貓)
The idea that ...用的是同位語從句,不太多,常用搭配是the evidence that,the concept that 等。That後從句解釋idea, concept或evidence等。
Which的指代問題。Which指代的不是上文任何壹個出現的單詞或詞組,而是Dr. Cochran的這波操作。
Sentence 2.
Ashkenazim generally do well in IQ tests, scoring 12-15 points above the mean value of 100, and have contributed disproportionately to the intellectual and cultural life of the West, as the careers of Freud, Einstein and Mahler, pictured above, affirm.
Sentence 3.
But in the Middle Ages, success in Christian society tended to be violently aristocratic (warfare and land), rather than peacefully meritocratic (banking and trade).
Sentence 4.
That small, reproductively isolated groups of people are susceptible to genetic disease is well known.
Sentence 5.
Most of the dozen or so disease genes that are common in them belong to one of two types: they are involved either in the storage in nerve cells of special fats called sphingolipids, which form part of the insulating outer sheaths that allow nerve cells to transmit electrical signals, or in DNA repair.
Most of the dozen or so ?disease genes that are common in them ?belong to one of two types:
Or so大約
斜體作的是disease genes
they are involved either in the storage in nerve cells of special fats called sphingolipids, which form part of the insulating outer sheaths that allow nerve cells to transmit electrical signals, or in DNA repair.
either or後面是兩個in...
第壹個in後面的which form part of the insulating outer sheaths解釋的是Sphingolipids
that allow nerve cells to transmit electrical signals解釋的是sheaths。
第二個in後面很簡單,但!!!文章最後壹段有解釋,對於 文章結構 至關重要。
Sentence 6&7.
Thus, the theory goes, the pressure ?to keep the sickle-cell gene in the population because of its malaria-protective effects balances the pressure ?to drive it out because of its anaemia-causing effects.
It therefore persists without becoming ubiquitous.
Sentence 8.
Genes that promote intelligence in an individual when present as a single copy create disease when present as a double copy.
That promote intelligence對genes做了壹個限定,指的是genes的其中壹種特征,然後用when說明了適用情況。
Create謂語的主語也是genes,但這時候是沒有限定的genes。Create disease做的是限定,其實對應的是promote intelligence。後面同樣用壹個when來說明範圍。
Promote intelligence和create diseases壹個對應,盡管成分差別很大。
Sentence 9.
An Israeli clinic devoted to treating people with Gaucher's has vastly more engineers, scientists, accountants and lawyers on its books than would be expected by chance.
Than (what) would be expected by chance.
1. ruffle one’s feather
2. Tremble at the thought
3. Affirm作不及物動詞(Ashkenazim generally do well in IQ tests, scoring 12-15 points above the mean value of 100, and have contributed disproportionately to the intellectual and cultural life of the West, as the careers of Freud, Einstein and Mahler, pictured above, affirm. )
4. aristocratic v.s. meritocratic
5. Exact a price類似用法 exert influence
Natural genius? 天生我才?
The high intelligence of Ashkenazi Jews may be a result of their persecuted past
THE idea that some ethnic groups may, on average, be more intelligent than others is one of those hypotheses that dare not speak its name. But Gregory Cochran, a noted scientific iconoclast, is prepared to say it anyway. He is that rare bird, a scientist who works independently of any institution. He helped popularise the idea that some diseases not previously thought to have a bacterial cause were actually infections, which ruffled many scientific feathers when it was first suggested. And more controversially still, he has suggested that homosexuality is caused by an infection.
某些少數民族的平均智商高於其他民族這壹說法,是很多不敢公開的假設之壹。不過著名的科學狂人Gregory Cochran 決意要做第壹個吃螃蟹的人。他很特別,總是獨立工作而不屬於任何機構。某些曾被診斷並非病菌引起的疾病,其實病源來自傳染病。這壹觀點因他的推動受到了關註。此觀點壹經提出,就受到了許多科學家的反對。這還不算,更具爭議的是,他認為同性戀也是由傳染病引起的。
Even he, however, might tremble at the thought of what he is about to do. Together with Jason Hardy and Henry Harpending, of the University of Utah, he is publishing, in a forthcoming edition of the Journal of Biosocial Science, a paper which not only suggests that one group of humanity is more intelligent than the others, but explains the process that has brought this about. The group in question are Ashkenazi Jews. The process is natural selection.
然而就算是Cochran,也為自己接下來要做的事捏了壹把汗。他準備同Utah大學的Jason Hardy與Henry Harpending壹同,在最新壹期的《生物社會科學雜誌》發表壹篇論文,文中不僅提出了某壹少數民族比其他民族更聰明這壹觀點,還解釋了這壹結果產生的過程。文中兩大主角就是德系猶太人和自然選擇。
History before science
Ashkenazim generally do well in IQ tests, scoring 12-15 points above the mean value of 100, and have contributed disproportionately to the intellectual and cultural life of the West, as the careers of Freud, Einstein and Mahler, pictured above, affirm. They also suffer more often than most people from a number of nasty genetic diseases, such as Tay-Sachs and breast cancer. These facts, however, have previously been thought unrelated. The former has been put down to social effects, such as a strong tradition of valuing education. The latter was seen as a consequence of genetic isolation. Even now, Ashkenazim tend to marry among themselves. In the past they did so almost exclusively.
Dr Cochran, however, suspects that the intelligence and the diseases are intimately linked. His argument is that the unusual history of the Ashkenazim has subjected them to unique evolutionary pressures that have resulted in this paradoxical state of affairs.
Ashkenazi history begins with the Jewish rebellion against Roman rule in the first century AD. When this was crushed, Jewish refugees fled in all directions. The descendants of those who fled to Europe became known as Ashkenazim.
In the Middle Ages, European Jews were subjected to legal discrimination, one effect of which was to drive them into money-related professions such as banking and tax farming which were often disdained by, or forbidden to, Christians. This, along with the low level of intermarriage with their gentile neighbours (which modern genetic analysis confirms was the case), is Dr Cochran's starting point.
在中世紀,歐洲的猶太人在法律上地位很不平等,結果之壹就是他們不得不從事與金錢相關的職業,如被人看不起或不準基督徒涉足的銀行或征稅工作,此外,他們只能與鄰居中社會地位較低的非猶太人通婚(這種狀況通過現代基因學分析得到了證實)。上述就是Cochran 博士論文的起點。
He argues that the professions occupied by European Jews were all ones that put a premium on intelligence. Of course, it is hard to prove that this intelligence premium existed in the Middle Ages, but it is certainly true that it exists in the modern versions of those occupations. Several studies have shown that intelligence, as measured by IQ tests, is highly correlated with income in jobs such as banking.
What can, however, be shown from the historical records is that European Jews at the top of their professions in the Middle Ages raised more children to adulthood than those at the bottom. Of course, that was true of successful gentiles as well. But in the Middle Ages, success in Christian society tended to be violently aristocratic (warfare and land), rather than peacefully meritocratic (banking and trade).
Put these two things together—a correlation of intelligence and success, and a correlation of success and fecundity—and you have circumstances that favour the spread of genes that enhance intelligence. The questions are, do such genes exist, and what are they if they do? Dr Cochran thinks they do exist, and that they are exactly the genes that cause the inherited diseases which afflict Ashkenazi society.
That small, reproductively isolated groups of people are susceptible to genetic disease is well known. Constant mating with even distant relatives reduces genetic diversity, and some disease genes will thus, randomly, become more common. But the very randomness of this process means there should be no discernible pattern about which disease genes increase in frequency. In the case of Ashkenazim, Dr Cochran argues, this is not the case. Most of the dozen or so disease genes that are common in them belong to one of two types: they are involved either in the storage in nerve cells of special fats called sphingolipids, which form part of the insulating outer sheaths that allow nerve cells to transmit electrical signals, or in DNA repair. The former genes cause neurological diseases, such as Tay- Sachs, Gaucher's and Niemann-Pick. The latter cause cancer.
眾所周知,越是人口稀少並且生育範圍狹小的種族就越易患遺傳疾病。總是於同族人通婚,就算不是近親,也會較少遺傳的多樣性,同時也會使某些致病基因沒有規律地在該種族內部泛濫起來。而這種無規律性意味著人們不知道何類致病基因會被大量傳播。但對德系猶太人來說,Cochran 醫生指出,情況卻並非如此。他們當中最常見的十幾種疾病基因基本上可以歸結於兩類:壹類參與神經細胞中鞘脂類特殊脂肪)的儲存。鞘脂組成壹部分絕緣外層鞘,允許神經細胞發射電子信號。另壹類參與DNA 的修復。前者基因會引發神經性疾病,如泰薩二氏病、腦苷脂沈積病和神經鞘磷脂沈積病;而後者會導致癌癥。
That does not look random. And what is even less random is that in several cases the genes for particular diseases come in different varieties, each the result of an independent original mutation. This really does suggest the mutated genes are being preserved by natural selection. But it does not answer the question of how evolution can favour genetic diseases. However, in certain circumstances, evolution can.
West Africans, and people of West African descent, are susceptible to a disease called sickle-cell anaemia that is virtually unknown elsewhere. The anaemia develops in those whose red blood cells contain a particular type of haemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen. But the disease occurs only in those who have two copies of the gene for the disease-causing haemoglobin (one copy from each parent). Those who have only one copy have no symptoms. They are, however, protected against malaria, one of the biggest killers in that part of the world. Thus, the theory goes, the pressure to keep the sickle-cell gene in the population because of its malaria-protective effects balances the pressure to drive it out because of its anaemia-causing effects. It therefore persists without becoming ubiquitous.
Dr Cochran argues that something similar happened to the Ashkenazim. Genes that promote intelligence in an individual when present as a single copy create disease when present as a double copy. His thesis is not as strong as the sickle-cell/malaria theory, because he has not proved that any of his disease genes do actually affect intelligence. But the area of operation of some of them suggests that they might.
The sphingolipid-storage diseases, Tay-Sachs, Gaucher's and Niemann-Pick, all involve extra growth and branching of the protuberances that connect nerve cells together. Too much of this (as caused in those with double copies) is clearly pathological. But it may be that those with single copies experience a more limited, but still enhanced, protuberance growth. That would yield better linkage between brain cells, and might thus lead to increased intelligence. Indeed, in the case of Gaucher's disease, the only one of the three in which people routinely live to adulthood, there is evidence that those with full symptoms are more intelligent than the average. An Israeli clinic devoted to treating people with Gaucher's has vastly more engineers, scientists, accountants and lawyers on its books than would be expected by chance.
Why a failure of the DNA-repair system should boost intelligence is unclear—and is, perhaps, the weakest part of the thesis, although evidence is emerging that one of the genes in question is involved in regulating the early growth of the brain. But the thesis also has a strong point: it makes a clear and testable prediction. This is that people with a single copy of the gene for Tay-Sachs, or that for Gaucher's, or that for Niemann-Pick should be more intelligent than average. Dr Cochran and his colleagues predict they will be so by about five IQ points. If that turns out to be the case, it will strengthen the idea that, albeit unwillingly, Ashkenazi Jews have been part of an accidental experiment in eugenics. It has brought them some advantages. But, like the deliberate eugenics experiments of the 20th century, it has also exacted a terrible price.
為什麽基因修復系統失靈會提高智力,現在還不清楚原因何在。雖然,陸續有證據表明產生問題的基因之壹參與了調節大腦的早期發育,但是這仍是該論題最薄弱的環節。不過,該理論也有令人信服的地方:它對於擁有單份泰薩二氏病或腦苷脂沈積病或神經鞘磷脂沈積病基因的人會比普通人更聰明做出了明確而可檢驗的預測。Cochran 博士和他的同事認為,這些人的智商因此會比平均水平高出5 個點。盡管有人不願接受,假如確實如此的話,它將有力地證明,德系猶太人在不經意間經歷了優生實驗,而這為他們帶來了智商上的優勢。但是,如同發生在20 世紀的人為的優生實驗壹樣,它同樣讓他們付出了可怕的代價。