當前位置:商標查詢大全網 - 會計考試 - 求關於財會的英文術語


accountant genaral 會計主任

account balancde 結平的帳戶

account bill 帳單

account books 帳

account classification 帳戶分類

account current 往來帳

account form of balance sheet 帳戶式資產負債表

account form of profit and loss statement 帳戶式損益表

account payable 應付帳款

account receivable 應收帳款

account of payments 支出表

account of receipts 收入表

account title 帳戶名稱,會計科目

accounting year 或financial year 會計年度

accounts payable ledger 應付款分類帳

Accounting period(會計期間)are related to specific

資產負債表:balance sheet 可以不大寫b

利潤表: income statements (or statements of income)

利潤分配表:retained earnings

現金流量表:cash flows