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服務項目 Service Items

最新消息 News

禁止吸煙 No Smoking

非請莫入 No Entry

機房重地非請莫入 Authorized Personnel Only

戶籍工作站 Household Registration Work Station

緊急出口 Emergency Exit

職員簽到處 Attendance

教育訓練 Training

免付費服務電話 Toll-free Telephone / Free Service Telephone

電話語音系統 Voice Phone System/ Automatic Telephone

公用電話 Public Telephone

卡式電話 Card Telephone

投幣式電話 Coin Telephone

汽車停車位 Parking Lot

公務車停車位 Official Vehicles Only/ Reserved Parking

員工停車位 Parking Lot(Staff Only)

機車停車位 Motorcycle Parking (Lot)

無障礙停車位 Parking Lot(Disabled Only)/ Disabled Parking Only

無障礙專用斜坡 Wheelchair Ramp

基本數據 Personal/ Basic Information

網站 Website

電子郵件信箱 E-mail Box

聯絡電話 Contact Tel

學歷 Schooling/ Education

職業 Professions

服務禮貌 The Courtesy of Service

處理效率 The Efficiency of Working

疑義解答 The Answers to Puzzled

環境整潔 The Cleanness of Environment

內部標示 The Interior Signs

總體服務 The Total Services

上門服務 Home Service

單壹窗口 One-stop Counter/ Window

提早受理服務 Early Bird Service

創新“十全十美”便民服務 Perfect innovative services

免下車預約服務 Drive-Thru Service

電話、網絡預約申辦服務 Reservation Service thru phone and website

拍照服務 Express Photo Service

在線查詢案件申辦進度 Application Procedure Checking System

早起的鳥兒有蟲吃 Early Bird Service

中午不打烊 Business as Usual During Lunch Hour

夜間延時服務 Night Service

假日服務(結婚登記) Holiday Service(for Marriage)

機關雙語及無障礙網頁服務 Bilingual & 3A Website

網絡預約申辦服務 Online Application Service

電子規費系統 Fees System

文書公文系統 Official Documents System

免證書 No Requiring Certificates

異地申辦 Application from Different Locations

國土信息系統 National Geographic Information

知識管理系統(知識平臺) Knowledge Management System

公私協力 Cooperation with Other Offices

戶籍申請書附件數字化 Household Registration Attachments Digitalizing

藝文展示區 Art Exhibitions/ Arts and Culture

行政區域及街道圖 Map of Administrative District and Street

平面配置圖及罰金罰鍰科罰基準 Floor Plan and Standard Fines

所徽 Office Logo

身分證制作區 Identification Card Counter

制證組 ID Card Making

發證櫃臺 ID Obtaining Counter

跨機關服務專區 Cooperation with Other Office

往2樓 To Second Floor

盥洗室請上2樓 Restrooms, Second Floor

飲水機 Drinking Fountain

實時窗口便民服務 Internet Service

愛心櫃臺 Courtesy Counter

快速窗口 Express Counter

英語櫃臺 English Counter

預約櫃臺 Appointment Counter

審核組 Review of Household Registration

規費收繳 Receipt Issuing/Fees

大宗謄本櫃臺 Bulk Application for Household Certificate Transcript

主任與民有約 Meeting with Director

機關查詢 Inter-Agency Inquiries/ Official Inquiries

秘書 Secretary

法令咨詢服務 Legal Service

哺乳室 Nursery Room/ Nursery

計算機室 Computer Facilities

主機房 Computer Facilities or Mainframe

地下室 Basement

公布欄 Bulletin Board

便民眼鏡/老花眼鏡 Courtesy Glasses

書報雜誌 Newspapers and Magazines

愛心鈴 Courtesy Ring

愛心傘 Courtesy Umbrellas

愛心輪椅 Courtesy Wheelchairs

復印機 Copy Machine/ Photocopier

逃生平面圖 Evacuation Plan

逃生路線 Evacuation Route

滅火器 Fire Extinguisher

平面配置圖 Floor Plan

代填書表 Documents Completion Service/ Forms Fill-out Service

茶水 Free Tea/ Hot Water

全功能服務櫃臺 General Service Counter

戶籍登記錯誤更正 Household Registration Corrections

服務臺/咨詢區 Information

誌願者服務臺 Volunteer Service

人口統計表 Demographic Statistics

戶籍資料室 Household Records

閱覽區 Reading Area

拍照區 Photo Spot/ Area

多媒體播放區 Multimedia Area

單壹櫃臺 One Stop Service Counter

意見箱 Suggestion Box

民眾等待區 Waiting Area

填表區 Writing Area

文宣資料 Publications

電子字幕機 On-Site Message Boards

滿意度調查表 Questionnaire

在勤 On Duty

差假 Off duty

輪值主管 Superior on Duty

輪值誌願者 Volunteer on Duty

引導服務 Guide Service

抱怨處理 Complaints Dealing

辦公時間 Office Hours/ Business Hours

彈性上班時間 Flexible Hours

星期六、日及固定假日休息 Closed on Saturday, Sunday and National Holidays

收發櫃臺 Mail Counter

徑為遷徙 Transfer of Absent Dependent Households by Property Owner

自然人憑證註冊窗口 Citizen Digital Certificate

新移民生活輔導班報名窗口 Life Adaptation Courses for New Immigrants

門牌櫃臺 Address Plate Application

英文謄本 Household Certificate English Transcript

國籍行政 Citizenship Affairs

外國人士專區 Foreigners Information Area

盥洗室 Restroom

往地下室/1樓/2樓/3樓/4樓/5樓 To Basement/ First/ Second/ Third/ Fourth/ Fifth Floor

通信服務 Communications Service

收發室 Mail Room

男化妝室 Men’s Restroom/ Gentlemen’s Restroom

女化妝室 Women’s Restroom/ Ladies’ Restroom

人事管理員 Personnel Officer

總務 General Affairs

會計員 Accounting Officer

出納 Cashier

主任室 Director

檔案室 Archives

暫停受理 Not Available

儲藏室 Storeroom

會議室 Conference Room

訓練教室 Activity Room

檔案室 Archives

盥洗室 Restroom

茶水間 Kitchen

寫字臺 Writing Desk

大宗業務處理中 Processing for Bulk Application

數據掃描區 Data-Scan Area

按摩小站 Massage Service

洗手間 washroom/lady's room/man's room/toilet(英國)/bathroom

Visitor A: Excuse me, do you know where the Deposit Center is?


Visitor B: Sorry, I don't know exactly. You may go to the Information at the Expo Site entrance.


Visitor A: OK, thanks!


Visitor B: That's all right.


Visitor A: Hello! I just got off the plane. It's inconvenient to visit with my luggage .Can I

deposit my luggage?


Volunteer: Of course .Go straight and you'll find a Deposit Center, where you can leave your

luggage. Thank you for your cooperation!


Visitor A: Thanks!


Volunteer: You're welcome.


Visitor B: Hey, lad! I have some trouble.


Volunteer: No worry! What's that?


Visitor B: My father has some trouble with walking, and this is my little child. I'm afraid that

they would be hurt in the heavy pedestrian flows.


Volunteer: Take it easy. The Expo will provide special services to disabled. in addition, you may

rent a baby stroller, just over there. Now you can take care of both your father and your child.


Visitor B: It’s great! Thanks!


Volunteer: You're welcome.


Visitor A: Oh,I seem to be lost. Excuse me, would you please tell me where i am?


Volunteer: Please look at this guide map. This is your current.Position

誌願者: 這是世博園區的導遊圖,您目前的位置是在這裏。

Visitor A: Oh, I’m just the China Pavilion. Long queues over there; is it all the same at other pavilion?


Volunteer: Yes,there are long queues at many pavilions. Therefore,a reservation is suggested.


Visitor A: Um…I'll go to China Pavilion.


Volunteer:OK. Please wait there. Thank you for your cooperation.


Visitor A: The burning sun is above. I've waited for one hour. How's going?


Volunteer: It might take another half-hour. Please be patient.


Visitor A: OK. Give me more time for expectation.


Volunteer:Thank you for your cooperation!


Visitor B: You see. I take my old father and little child. Is there any way to speed up the queue?


Volunteer: Have you made a reservation?


Visitor B:Yes, I have. Here you are.。


Volunteer:Let me have a check… No problem,please come this way . Have a nice visit!


Visitor B: Thanks!


Child of Visitor B: Dad! Look ,it's amazing! Wow!


Volunteer: Hey,boy /girl …be quiet please.


Visitor B: Sorry,I'm remind him/her,thanks!


Visitor A:It's my turn!


Volunteer: Excuse me, no photos here. Thank you for your understanding.


Visitor A: Oh, it's so regrettable! How about the small pavilion nearby?


Volunteer: Photos allowed,but no flash. Thank you for your cooperation!


Visitor A: I see, thanks!

參觀者 A:知道了,謝謝

Visitor: I'm totally lost. It's the exit, isn't it?


Volunteer: Yes. The visiting is over, here's the exit.


Visitor: I'm a bit tired. Is there any cafe around here?


Volunteer: Walk on about 100 meters,you will find a cafe.


Visitor : It's great. By the way ,I need to send a postcard,and take some money firstly. Where are

the post office and bank ?


Volunteer: They are just near. Go straight and turn right at the first cross, you’ll find the post

office. Go along that read and turn left; the bank is there.


Visitor: Excuse me, I have another question. Is there any adjacent boutique?


Volunteer: There is one over there. It serves various Expo 2010 souvenirs. You may purchase some

Haibao related toys or stationeries as gift to your friends.


Visitor: Great, is it the only one?


Volunteer: No,many foreign national pavilions will provide some interesting souvenirs for sale.


Visitor: OK, thanks! I'll go to the post office and bank, then to the cafe, and finally, to buy

some souvenirs.


Volunteer: This is the best route to save your time.


Visitor: Thanks!


Volunteer: You're welcome.


Visitor: It's lunchtime. Is there any place available for lunch within the Expo Site?


Volunteer: The Expo Site is provided with many restaurants. You may choose the near one for lunch.

Go forward and turn left,you’ll find a food eating area. Anyway , I will show you the way.


Visitor: It’s great. I have a poor sense of direction.


Volunteer: Here we are. Here serves a wide variety of foods.


Visitor: Any recommendation?


Volunteer: Do you prefer Chinese cooking or Western-style food?


Visitor: I don't care. This si my first time to Shanghai.


Volunteer: If so, I recommend Shanghai local snacks. Look, here are two restaurants serving

Shanghai local food.


Visitor: It's a good idea! However, it seems too many poeple here.


Volunteer: OK, you may try that one opposite.


Visitor: Thanks for your help!


Volunteer: That's all right. It's my pleasure. Have a nice lunch.
