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會計賬戶資產。負債。所有者權益 收入 費用下的明細科目中英文對比 (求最詳細的,越詳細越好),急用!!


會計報表 statement of account

往來帳目 account current

現在往來帳||存款額 current accout

銷貨帳 account sales

***同計算帳項 joint account

未決帳項 outstanding account

貸方帳項 credit account||creditor account

借方帳項 debit account||debtor account

應付帳||應付未付帳 account payable

應收帳||應收未收帳 account receivable

新交易||新帳 new account

未決帳||老帳 old account

現金帳 cash account

流水帳 running account

暫記帳||未定帳 suspense account

過期帳||延滯帳 overdue account||pastdue account

雜項帳戶 sundry account

詳細帳單||明細表 detail account

呆帳 bad account

會計項目 title of account

會計薄||帳薄 account-book

營業報告書||損益計算表 account of budiness||business report

借貸細帳||交驗帳 account rendered

明細帳 account stated