當前位置:商標查詢大全網 - 會計培訓 - 求關於會計電算化的英文期刊或論文,謝謝,急


(1)Aim J H.Valuation of knowledge:A business performance—oriented

methodology[C].USE:proceedings of the 35th Hawaii International

Conference.on Systems Science,2002:1~5

(2)Raymond McLeod,Jr.George,Schell.Management Information System[J].

Prentice Hal l,Inc.,2002:238~256

(3)Tiwana A.The essential guide to knowledge management:E-business and

CRM application[M].Atlanta:Prentice—Hall,2001:2--.4

(4)Scharlacken,John W,The Seven Pi llars of Global Supply Chain

Planning[M].Supply Chain Management Review,1998:22

(5)Accounting Information Systems Jones F L,Cincinnati Ohio:South-Westem CollegePublishing,2003

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