當前位置:商標查詢大全網 - 會計培訓 - 哪位英文高手麻煩講壹下這些碩士縮寫的英文全稱,謝謝


風景園林碩士 MLA = Master of Landscape Architecture

·會計碩士(MPAcc) =Master of Professional Accounting

·公***管理碩士MPA =Master of Public Administration

·獸醫碩士 MVM =Master of Veterinary Medicine

·農業推廣碩士 MAE = Master of Agriculture Extension

·教育碩士 MEd. = Master of Education

·工程碩士 ME = Master of Engineering

·法律碩士 J.M = Juris Master / LLM= Master of Law

·體育碩士 MPE = Master of Physical Education/ MSPE = Master of Science in Physical Education

·翻譯碩士 MTI = Master of Interpreting and Translation

·漢語國際教育碩士(MTCSOL) = Master of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Language

·藝術碩士(MFA) = Master of Fine Arts

·公***衛生碩士(MPH) = Master of Public Health

·軍事碩士 MMS = Master of Military Science

·工商管理碩士MBA=Master of Business Administradion

·軟件工程碩士(MSE)= Master of Software Engineering