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會計學 英語專業術語






accountant 會計師

bookkeeping 簿記

bookkeeper 簿記師

double-entry bookkeeping 復式簿記

single-entry bookkeeping 單式簿記

account book 帳簿,會計簿冊

cashbook 現金出納簿

journal 日記簿

statement of accounts 帳目表,帳單

balance (sheet) 資產平穩表

financial year, trading year 財政年度

income and expenditure, receipts and expenditure, output and input 支出和收入

assets 資產

liabilities 債務,負債

debit 借方

turnover, volume of business 營業額,銷售額

cash on hand 留存現金,庫存現金

cash balance 現金余額,現款結存

credit balance 貸方余額

debit balance 借方余額,借方差額

deficit 虧空

balance of trade 貿易差額,國際貿易平衡

balance of payments (國際)收支,國際收支差額表

發棄財產 abandoned property

發棄費用 abandonment charges,abandonment expenses

非常成本 abnormal cost

非常折舊 abnormal depreciation

非常損失 abnormal loss

原始成本 aboriginal cost,original cost

高於面值 above par

經常項目,在界線上 above the line

確定產權 absolute title

已吸收負荷,已分配費用 absorbed burden,applied expenses

已吸收成本 absorbed cost

國庫帳 account of the exchequer

公庫帳 account of treasury

承銷清單,賒銷 account sales

認定帳款,債權人認可的帳款 account stated

帳目名稱,會計科目 account title

轉帳通知單 account transfer memo

財務責任,會計責任 accountability

責任單位 accountability unit

應負財務責任的,應計列的 accountable

應負責事實,應負責事件 accountable condition,accountable event

應負財務責任人員 accountable person

accumulated depreciation 累計折舊

adjusted trial balance 調整後試算余額

adjusting entry 調整分錄

book bvalue of a plant asset 固定資產賬面凈值

cash-basis accounting 現金收付制會計

contra account 備抵調整賬戶

depreciation 折舊

matching principle 配比原則

plant asset 固定資產

prepaid expense 待攤費用

revenue principle 收入原則

time-period concept 時間-期間概念

unearned revenue 未實現收入





