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revive rejuvenate resurrect區別

Resurrect 強調從死亡狀態的復活(raise from the dead),而revive的復活指向更抽象的復活,有復興,重獲新生,獲得活力和發展的力量的意思(return to life, recover life or strength)。revive




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v. (使)蘇醒, (使)復興, (使)復活, (使)再生效, 回想




1. cause to regain consciousness; 例子 "The doctors revived the comatose man" +



revived, reviving, revives


相關詞匯 挖掘...

衍生詞, 相關詞

revive → arouse, boom, boot, brace, bring around, bring back, bring round, bring to, bring up, energise, energize, expand, flourish, get ahead, perk up, prosper, raise, reboot, regenerate, rejuvenate, republish, restore, resurrect, stimulate, thrive, upraise

近義詞, 同義詞

revive ≈ animate, come to, quicken, reanimate, recreate, renovate, repair, resuscitate, revive, revivify, vivify