kamiwokakiageruaizukara subetegahajimaruno
卡密奧卡ki啊改路阿姨子卡拉 四百代噶哈寄馬路鬧
gingamotobikoetekimitonara rekisiwokaeraresou
gin噶mao逃避考愛帶Ki米套娜拉 來ki洗奧卡愛拉來掃
bring the boys out (yeah you know)
b.bring the boys out
we bring the boy out we bring the boys out yeah
b.bring the bous out
daremogasoune kittourayamuhodoni
打來貓噶掃乃 ki到無賴壓木好到ni
catch your dream(get up)
hanpanapuraido kettobasite maodaomaeni (that's funny)
行怕那普拉壹到 開套吧洗帶 毛到馬愛妳(That's funny)catch your wish
kimihatadahitori kachiaru mystery
ki米哇他打hi道理 卡其阿魯 mystery
semarukimochini uchinukukodouni
賽馬路ki冒起妳 五七怒哭考到妳
miwoyudanete boy my boy
米奧又打乃帶 boy my boy
b.bring the boys out
Girl's generaton make you feel the heat
kyounintooironocyuudokusei b.bring the boys out
kyu您套壹老鬧球倒庫賽 b.bring the boys out
Hey boy nee Dan dan hajikesou In my mind
Hey boy 乃 Dan dan 哈寄開掃 In my mind
Honkidasouyo You know the girls b,bring the boys out
紅ki打掃要 You know the gril?b.bring the boys out
hansinhangi tonikakutsuitekite
航信航gi 逃匿卡酷次壹帶ki帶
donnayumedatte kanauwa Dreaming again
冬娜有賣大袋 卡那屋哇 Dreaming again
kokokite (yes fly high) maenimite (you fly high)
考考ki帶(Yes fly high) 馬愛米袋(You fly high)
subete sou kiminosekai
四百帶 掃 ki米鬧賽卡伊
kimihatadahitori chijyou no fantasy jidaikaesouna smile
ki米哇他打hi道理 七交鬧 Fantasy 寄打壹卡愛掃那Smile
sibiresasete torikonisasete
喜碧來撒賽帶 逃離考妳撒賽帶
soudainasukeirude boy go aheaad
掃打壹那廝改路帶 Boy go ahead
b.bring the boys out
Girl's generaton make you feel the heat
kyounintooironocyuudokusei b.bring the boys out
kyu您套壹老鬧球倒庫賽 b.bring the boys out
Hey boy nee Dan dan hajikesou In my mind
Hey boy 乃 Dan dan 哈寄開掃 In my mind
Honkidasouyo You know the girls b,bring the boys out
紅ki打掃要 You know the girls b,bring the boys out
Girls bring the boys out
I wanna dance right now negaikomete Lucky star
I wanna dance right now 奶噶壹考買帶Lucky star
Set up makerarenairaundo
set up 馬凱拉來那壹拉un到
No 1 igaihakyouminai Check this out
No 1 壹概以哇kyou米那壹Check this out
yissotanosindamonokachiyo wakaranaiwa yatteminakucya
壹掃他鬧sin打毛鬧 卡其要 瓦卡拉那壹 雅代米那哭cya
izakessyou sakimidareyo
壹砸開修 撒ki米大來要
Girls generation we won't stop
b.bring the boys out
kimihatadahitori aratana history
ki米哇他打hi道理 啊拉大那History
賽馬路ki冒起妳 五七怒哭考到妳
miwoyudanete boy my heart
米奧又打乃帶 boy my heart
kamiwokakiageruaizukara subetegahajimaruno just bring the boys out
卡密奧卡ki啊改路阿姨子卡拉 四百代噶哈寄馬路鬧 just bring the boys out
gingamotobikoetekimitonara rekisiwokaeraresou bring the boys out
gin噶mao逃避考愛帶Ki米套娜拉 來ki洗奧卡愛拉來掃 bring the boys out
Cuz Girls bring the boys out girls bring the boys out girls bring the boys out
Girl's generaton make you feel the heat
kyu您套壹老鬧球倒庫賽 b.bring the boys out
Hey boy nee Dan dan hajikesou In my mind
Hey boy 乃 Dan dan 哈寄開掃 In my mind
Honkidasouyo You know the girls b,bring the boys out
紅ki打掃要 You know the girls b,bring the boys out