2.收藏圖鑒:請先登入拓麻歌子官方網站www.tamatown.com進入小鎮。(以ROCKY為 USER NAME進入TOWN)
PS:進入TOWN的USER NAME和妳拓麻的必須壹致,密碼才可以使用。
1 = passport(護照) = enrollment(入口處)30835 42228
2 = key 1(鑰匙1) = town hall(市政廳)56211 34311
3 = key 2(鑰匙2) = town hall(市政廳)40889 65227
4 = town map(城鎮地圖) = town hall(市政廳)31635 20183
5 = text book(練習冊) = school(學校)16467 26993
6 = computer(電腦) = school(學校)19987 12771
7 = medal(獎章) = school(學校)11443 08970
8 = cell phone(手機) = parents(探望父母處)未知
9 = bycicle (BMX)(自行車) = grand parents(探望祖父母處)未知
10 = skis(滑雪橇) = switzerland holiday(瑞士假日)購買機票所得
11 = palm tree(棕櫚樹) = hawaii holiday(夏威夷假日)購買機票所得
12 = surf board(水撬板) = austrailia holiday(澳大利亞假日)購買機票所得
13 = panda bear(熊貓) = china holiday(中國假日)購買機票所得
14 = maracas(沙球) = chile holiday(智利假日)購買機票所得
15 = ring(戒指?) = king(國王)捐獻所得
16 = cape (披肩)= king(國王)捐獻所得
17 = crown(王冠) = king(國王)捐獻所得
18 = skate board(滑板) = arcade31001 78084
19 = baloon(氣球) = arcade60377 49742
20 = baseball cap(棒球帽) = arcade99827 04592
21 = teddy bear(熊) = arcade71571 00223
22 = golden tama(金色拓麻) = scavanger hunt 10419 25666
23 = rare cd(稀少cd) = tama beat (mall) 93177 68561
24 = rare shoes(稀少鞋子) = tama forever (mall) 90969 68234
25 = movie poster 1(電影海報1) = theatre(電影院)29881 58707
26 = movie poster 2(電影海報2) = theatre(電影院)51097 69920
27 = movie poster 3(電影海報3) = theatre(電影院57849 62593)
28 = badia ribbon(萬代商標) = lucky tama toys (mall) 84889 71600
29 = microphone(麥克風) = tama beat (mall) 63763 11587
30 = suitcase(手提箱) = tama for ever (mall) 74195 32061
31 = trophy(戰利品) = arcade37907 31387
32 = picture(照片) = grandparents(探望祖父母處)未知
Neclace- Forever tamagotchi on the coat rack
bunny slippers-forever tama next to mimitchi
Jacket- on the wall above mimitchi
Foot ball -Lucky Tama Toys next to the desk
Banjo- Tama Beat next to ipod
Basket- Food court at the little shop next to mametchi
hat- Travel station in the chile paper on the rocks
Paint brush- school on the book shelf
Tie- on the teacher in the schoool
Blow stick- on the game in the corner in the arcade)
〖分身〗寵物4歲時使用。密碼取得(32479 91490)
〖鋼筆〗寵物4歲時使用。密碼取得(63532 86367)