2、護照有效期及簽證辦理。護照的有效期限壹般要大於12個月,否則影響申請部分國家的簽證。而簽證的辦理要確認簽證種類和出國的目的壹致,並且簽證的有效期與停留期也壹致。Passport validity and visa processing. The valid period of passport is generally more than 12 months, otherwise it will affect the visa application of some countries. The visa processing shall confirm that the type of visa is consistent with the purpose of going abroad, and the validity period of the visa is consistent with the stay period.
3、境外遊保險。出國遊玩充滿了不確定性,所以壹定要提前買好境外保險。並且國外的醫療費用壹般都比較貴,所以購買醫療方面的保險非常有必要。Overseas travel insurance. Overseas travel is full of uncertainty, so you must buy overseas insurance in advance. And the medical expenses abroad are generally more expensive, so it is very necessary to buy medical insurance.