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妳自己都不清楚還怎麽寫這樣的對比文章哦,真厲害哪!-------------------------------------------首發破爛熊 /read.php?tid=45655&page=1&toread=1  Wow! You've got a wacker lot of doughnuts.wacker:瘋狂的 "Wacker" is related in meaning to the word "Wacky" and also "wacked" - and means a bit crazy, a fool, an idiot. Although it is not a favourable term, it is more descriptive than an insult.Drugs. We've just been to buy some skunky, haven't we, Eff? skunky味道很強的大麻    Can't you wait until... when they gang up and get at you * gang up on 多人扁壹個人 several go against one, many fight one (English slang)   Shouldn't sneak up on me, should he? sneak up on 鬼鬼祟祟地 此處譯為打某人的鬼主意 advance stealthily or unnoticed  Oh, right. Sorry, mate, Johnny. Got the wrong end of the stick. Got the wrong end of the stick 誤會 to not understand a situation correctly   Blooming heck, you've got fast fingers.Blooming字典譯為 開著花的 而英國俚語裏Blooming和Bloody壹個意思 即為他媽的Heck和美語裏的damn同意 也可和hell交換使用 A non offensive replacement for the word "hell" used to express amazement at some unlikely act or strange object.  Wicked green, cos it pisses down most days. piss down 漂泊大雨 (slang) (vulgar) To rain heavily. : I'm not going to the shops now. It's pissing down.  coming out of my ears 太多了 coming out of (one's) ears In more than adequate amounts; overabundant.   Doesn't pull his punches 說話太過直白 To say to somebody "Don't pull any punches!" is a way of saying that the person has been overly direct and perhaps too rude in how they have expressed themself. No biggie. 沒什麽大不了的 No big deal