當前位置:商標查詢大全網 - 遊戲電競 - 跪求會議致辭和禮儀祝詞方面的詞匯


致歡迎/開幕/閉幕詞deliver /make a welcome /opening /closing speech/address/lecture

開/閉.揭幕式opening /closing/unveiling ceremony

舉行烈士紀念碑的揭幕典禮unveil a monument to the martyrs

為展覽會揭幕inaugurate an exhibition

奠基典禮foundation laying ceremony

開學典禮school’s opening ceremony

畢業典禮graduation ceremony

開國大典founding ceremony of a state

婚禮wedding ceremony


答謝宴會return banquet

晚宴evening reception


冷餐招待會buffet reception

/新年/篝火晚會/spring festival /campfire party

酒會cocktail party


宣布…..閉幕declare the closing

陛下your Majesty

殿下Your highness

閣下Your Excellency

貴賓門Distinguished guests

尊敬的主席先生respectable Mr. President

至此….之際On the occasion of

代表我願借機會I would like to take this opportunity to

高層領導人senior leader

設宴招待To host a banquet for

代表On behalf of

承蒙….的盛情邀請At the gracious invitation of

作為貴國人民的友好使者As an envoy of friendship of your people

提議祝酒To propose a toast

有朋自遠方來,不亦樂乎It is such a delight to have friends coming form afar

海內寸知己 天涯若比鄰Long distance separates no bosom friends

友好訪問 goodwill visit

遠道而來/來自大洋彼岸的朋友 friends coming from a distant land/the other side of the Pacific

東道國 host country

本著……精神 in the spirit of

由衷的謝意 heartfelt thanks

友好款待 gracious hospitality

正式邀請 officioa invitation

回顧過去 look back on

展望未來 look ahead/look into the future

最後 in closing

圓滿成功 a complete success

古話 an old saying

周年慶典 an anniversary celebration

歡迎會 a welcoming party

歡送會 a send-off party

熱情好客 gracious hospitality

盛情邀請 gracious invitation

大會 conference

研討會 seminar

座談會,論壇 forum

峰會 summit

招待會 reception

禮堂 auditorium

能夠......我深感榮幸 I'm honored and privileged to ....

向...表示熱烈的歡迎和誠摯的感謝 to extend my warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to sb.

向...表示祝賀 to congratulate sb on sth

向...表示感謝 to appreciate sb for doing sth

向大會就......問題進行講話 to address the meeting/conference on the topic of ...

我期待著... I'm looking forward to sth/ doing sth

我提議為...幹杯 I'd like to propose a toast to sth

Annual 年度的

recognize and honor 表揚並嘉獎

staffs and faculty members 教職員工

excel 超出,突出

scale new heights 再攀新高

serve... heart and soul 全心全意的服務

take delight and pride in... 為...... 感到高興和驕傲

to observe 慶祝

take some time out of one's tight schedule 百忙中抽空

a new millennium 新千年

countdown 倒計時

在這月光明媚的夜晚On this beautiful moon-lit evening

歡聚壹堂 to have...with us

乒乓外交the Pingpong Diplomacy

時多時少,起伏 ups and downs

非常牢固的互利關系solid and mutually beneficial relationship.


為......幹杯propose a toast to

記者會 press conference

慶祝:to celebrate/observe; in celebration of; in commemoration of

表示/表達...歡迎/感謝/祝賀/問候/邀請:to express/extend...welcome/thanks/congratulations/greetings/invitation

碩果累累: rewarding/fruitful/yield high...returns/

顯著增長:... has increased by leaps and bounds/ have a remarkable growth /increase dramatically

翻兩番: quadruple; be/become four times as ...as it was/used to be

充分發揮: make the best use of .../ give full play to.../ take the advantage of...

A major consideration: 重要考慮因素

充滿現代活力full of dynamism of the modern era

喜慶的時刻 a festive moment

歡樂的時刻 a joyous occasion

應......的邀請 at the invitation of sb.

在......的陪同下 in the company of

代表團的各位成員 members of the delegation

與會者 participants

召開記者招待會 to call a press conference

交流的平臺 a platform for communication

日新月異 to change with every passing day

重申我方觀點 to reiterate our opinion/ standing

有建設性 constructive

接風洗塵 to give/ host a dinner for the arrival of sb.

向......轉達來自......的祝賀 to bring to A the congratulations from B

以......結束我的講話 I'd like to end my speech with ...

致以衷心的祝賀和最美好的祝願 to express one's sincere congratulations and best wishes

祝......圓滿成功! Wish...... a complete success