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教材:《土建英語》,上海教育出版社 葛耀君,2003年

專著:《分段施工橋梁分析與控制》,人民交通出版社 項海帆、陳艾榮、葛耀君,2003年

專著:《中國大橋》,人民交通出版社 項海帆、葛耀君、朱樂東、陳艾榮、林誌興、顧明、肖汝誠,2005年

專著:《現代橋梁抗風理論與實踐》,人民交通出版社 Hojjat Adeli & Yaojun Ge, 1989

A dynamic programming method for analysis of bridges under multipal moving loads,International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 28 (6), 1265-1282 Yaojun Ge, Haifan Xiang & Hiroshi Tanaka, 2000

Application of a reliability analysis model to bridge flutter under extreme winds, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 86 (2-3), 155-168 Yaojun Ge & Hiroshi Tanaka, 2000

Aerodynamic stability of long-span suspension bridges under erection, Journal of Structural Engineering , ASCE, 126 (12), 1404-1412 Yaojun Ge & Hiroshi Tanaka, 2000

Aerodynamic flutter analysis of cable-supported bridges by multi-mode and full-mode approaches, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 86 (2-3), 123-154 Haifan Xiang & Yaojun Ge, 2002

Refinements on aerodynamic stability analysis of super long-span bridges, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 90 (12-15), 1493-1515 Yaojun Ge & Haifan Xiang, 2002

Statistical study for mean wind velocity in Shanghai area, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 90(12-15), 1585-1600 Yaojun Ge, Zhixin Lin, Fengchan Cao et al., 2002

Investigation and prevention of deck galloping oscillation with computational and experimental techniques, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 90(12-15), 2087-2098 Haifan Xiang & Yaojun Ge, 2005

State-of-the-Art on Long-span Bridge Aerodynamics in China, Journal of Structural Engineering International, 15 (4), 105-116 Yaojun Ge, Yongxin Yang, Jiabin Pang & Haifan Xiang, 2007

Wind-Induced Damages to a Three-Span, Continuous, Concrete Arch Bridge under Construction, Structural Engineering International, 17 (2), 141-150 Yaojun Ge & Haifan Xiang, 2008

Recent development of bridge aerodynamics in China, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 96 (6-7), 736-768 Yaojun Ge & Haifan Xiang, 2008

Computational models and methods for aerodynamic flutter of long-span bridges, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 96 (10-11), 1912-1924 Li Zhou & Yaojun Ge, 2008

Wind tunnel test for vortex-induced vibration of vehicle-bridge system section model, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 130(2), 110-117 Yaojun Ge, Xiaojie Zou & Yongxin Yang, 2009

Aerodynamic stabilization of central stabilizers for box girder suspension bridges, Wind and Structures, 12 (4), 285-304 Yongxin Yang & Yaojun Ge, 2009

Aerodynamic flutter control for typical girder sections of long-span cable-supported bridges, Wind and Structures, 12 (3), 175-192 Lin Zhao & Yaojun Ge, 2010

Wind loading characteristics of super-large cooling towers, Wind and Structures, 13 (3), 257-273