2為什麽要離職來這裏工作?:Why leave here to work?
3妳自我介紹壹下: you introduce yourself.
4妳來自哪裏: Where are you from.
5介紹壹下妳的家鄉?tell us about your hometown?
6妳業余愛好是什麽?What is your hobby?
7我的家鄉是美麗的沈陽,這裏有故宮,希望妳們來旅遊。My hometown is beautiful Shenyang Imperial Palace here, I hope you to travel.
8我的英語不好,但是我會努力。My English is bad, but I'll try.
自我介紹:I am XX, XX years old, graduated from XXXXXXX, currently working in XXX, but my dream is to work here, this is my dream, if I can get this job, I will do my best to do it . Thank you