q:give me a summary of your current job description. (對妳目前的工作,能否做個概括的說明。)
a:i have been working as a computer programmer for five years. to be specific, i do system analysis, trouble shooting and provide software support. (我幹了五年的電腦程序員。具體地說,我做系統分析,解決問題以及軟件供應方面的支持。)
q:why did you leave your last job?(妳為什麽離職呢?)
a: well, i am hoping to get an offer of a better position. if opportunity knocks, i will take it.(我希望能獲得壹份更好的工作,如果機會來臨,我會抓住。)
a:i feel i have reached the "glass ceiling" in my current job. / i feel there is no opportunity for advancement. (我覺得目前的工作,已經達到頂峰,即沒有升遷機會。)
q:how do you rate yourself as a professional?(妳如何評估自己是位專業人員呢?)
a: with my strong academic background, i am capable and competent. (憑借我良好的學術背景,我可以勝任自己的工作,而且我認為自己很有競爭力。)
a:with my teaching experience, i am confident that i can relate to students very well. (依我的教學經驗,我相信能與學生相處的很好。)
q: what contribution did you make to your current (previous) organization?(妳對目前/從前的工作單位有何貢獻?)
a: i have finished three new projects, and i am sure i can apply my experience to this position. (我已經完成三個新項目,我相信我能將我的經驗用在這份工作上。)
q:what do you think you are worth to us?(妳怎麽認為妳對我們有價值呢?)
a:i feel i can make some positive contributions to your company in the future. (我覺得我對貴公司能做些積極性的貢獻。)
q:what make you think you would be a success in this position? (妳如何知道妳能勝任這份工作?)
a:my graduate school training combined with my internship should qualify me for this particular job. i am sure i will be successful. (我在研究所的訓練,加上實習工作,使我適合這份工作。我相信我能成功。)
q:are you a multi-tasked individual?(妳是壹位可以同時承擔數項工作的人嗎?) or do you work well under stress or pressure?(妳能承受工作上的壓力嗎?)
a:yes, i think so.
a:the trait is needed in my current(or previous) position and i know i can handle it well. (這種特點就是我目前(先前)工作所需要的,我知道我能應付自如。)
q:what is your strongest trait(s)?(妳個性上最大的特點是什麽?)
a:helpfulness and caring.(樂於助人和關心他人。)
a:adaptability and sense of humor.(適應能力和幽默感。)
a:cheerfulness and friendliness.(樂觀和友愛。)
q: how would your friends or colleagues describe you?(妳的朋友或同事怎樣形容妳?)
a: (pause a few seconds) (稍等幾秒鐘再答,表示慎重考慮。)
they say mr. chen is an honest, hardworking and responsible man who deeply cares for his family and friends. (他們說陳先生是位誠實、工作努力,負責任的人,他對家庭和朋友都很關心。)
a:they say mr. chen is a friendly, sensitive, caring and determined person.(他們說陳先生是位很友好、敏感、關心他人和有決心的人。)
q:what personality traits do you admire?(妳欣賞哪種性格的人?)
a: (i admire a person who is)honest, flexible and easy-going. (誠實、不死板而且容易相處的人。)
a: (i like) people who possess the "can do" spirit. (有"實際行動"的人。)
q:what leadership qualities did you develop as an administrative personnel?(作為行政人員,妳有什麽樣的領導才能?)
a:i feel that learning how to motivate people and to work together as a team will be the major goal of my leadership. (我覺得學習如何把人們的積極性調動起來,以及如何配合協同的團隊精神,是我行政工作的主要目標。)
a:i have refined my management style by using an open-door policy. (我以開放式的政策,改進我的行政管理方式。)
問題壹:could you please describe yourself?(能否請妳形容壹下自己?)
這個問題,壹來是想要了解妳是什麽樣的人,二來是想看看妳是否知道如何重點式地自我簡介。 在回答時,要針對應征工作的性質來凸顯自己的特色,可以多用形容詞,並且引用過去的工作經驗,但是不必提及公司組織的名稱,再者,妳還可以談談未來的生涯規畫;但如果妳是個社會新鮮人,就可以談談在校時的豐功偉業。 比方說,今天妳打算去應征行銷的職務,妳就可以說︰ i am creative andmotivated. i worked on several major marketing projects with positiveresults. i am now looking for a challenging marketing position in anestablished company. (我有創意、又積極。曾負責數項大型的行銷項目,皆有成效。我現在希望在壹家深具規模的公司內,擔任有挑戰性的行銷職務。)
問題二:why do you think we should employ you?(妳認為我們為何要雇用妳?)
雇主問此問題,希望妳試圖證明自己是最佳人選,並且測試妳是否熟悉應征職務的工作內容。 回答時,要迎合該公司對該職務的期望,不過切記別給人狂妄自大的印象。假設妳今天要應征機械工程的工作,妳就可以說︰ i am suitable for the position,not only because i have a masters degree in mechanical engineering, butalso because i have worked in this field for more than five years. i believe that my experience can be put to use in further developing your business. (我很適合該職位,不只因為我有機械工程學的碩士學位,更因為我在該產業已經有五年多的工作經驗,我相信,我的經驗可以派上用場,進壹步推動貴公司的事業。)
問題三:what classes did you like best back in school?(在學校妳最喜歡哪門課?)
此時,雇主想了解妳的學習能力,以及妳有興趣的專業課程是否跟工作扯得上邊;此外,個人在求學過程的好惡,會反應在不同的工作崗位上。 回答時,壹定要表示自己以好學著稱,喜歡學習新知,尤其是與應征工作有關的課程。假如妳今天要應征會計的工作,妳就可以回答 statistics, accounting and calculus were my favorite subjects because i am good at crunching numbers. (統計、會計與微積分是我最喜愛的科目,因為我對於計算復雜的數字很在行。)
問題四:what do you think are your greatest strengths and weaknesses? (妳自認自己最大的優劣勢分別為何?)
雇主問這樣的問題,旨在探知妳是否有足夠的自我認知,以及妳是否是該職務的不二人選。 在回答時,分寸的拿捏很重要,因為談及優勢時,不希望自己聽起來驕傲;相反地,把自己的缺點壹壹點出,又顯得自己無能。 我建議各位,不要否認自己有缺點,妳可以提出壹兩個與工作無關的缺點,再加上與職務息息相關的優勢。 比方說妳可以回答︰my greatest weakness is that i value leisure time spent with my family and therefore i treasure my weekends and free time in the evenings. my greatest strength is my commitment to work. i strive for excellence and always try to do my best. (我最大的缺點是我珍惜與家人相處的閑暇時間,所以我很重視周末與晚間休息的時間。我最大的優點是我對工作的執著,我追求卓越,總是努力把工作做得盡善盡美。)
問題五:what do you think are your strongest skills?(妳認為妳最強的技能是什麽?)
雇主如此壹問,壹想了解妳的專業技能是否符合職務的需求,二是希望更進壹步地知道,妳是否能夠評析自己的能力。當回答這個問題時,壹定要針對應征工作的特點以及需要作答,這樣公司才會認為妳對他們是有裨益的。 假設妳今天要應征客服人員的工作,妳就可以回答 my strongest skills are handling complaints with great patience. i think solving customer complaints is a wonderful way to win customer loyalty, and i am happy to deal with any problems people may have. (我最強的專長技能就是耐心地處理抱怨,我認為抱怨是贏得顧客忠誠度的好方法,我也很樂意解決人們遇到的問題。)
問題六:why do you want to work for us?(妳為什麽想要替我們工作?)
主管問妳這個問題有兩個目的:第壹,他們想要知道妳對公司了解的程度;第二,他們想知道妳是否是真心誠意地希望替該公司服務。如果壹位潛在員工能夠表現十足的向心力,願意貢獻,得到錄用的機率相對就會提高。 在到任何公司面試之前,壹定要事前作好功課,對應征的公司、與工作內容要非常清楚。提醒各位壹點,如果妳之所以想要某個職位,是因為薪水非常高,千萬別在回答時提到這壹點,免得雇主會認為妳眼中只有錢。妳可以這麽回答: your company is a renowned leader in the industry and has high growth potential. 貴公司是業界知名龍頭之壹,成長潛力十足。 i wish to work for an established company where my talents and expertise can be fully put to use. 我希望在壹家深具規模的公司裏工作,這樣我的才能與專長便能完全派上用場。 it seems clear to me that your company can challenge my abilities and provide a good opportunity for professional development. 我深知,貴公司能夠激發我的才能,並且提供我專業成長的好機會。
問題七:how much do you know about our company?(妳對本公司了解多少?)
其實,這個問題跟問題六有點像,旨在測試妳對公司的了解程度,看看妳在面試前的功課是否有做足,如果妳在兩手空空、毫無準備的情況之下去面試,對該公司與職務壹無所知,當然被錄取的機率就會相對變低。 在去面試前,有壹些功課壹定要準備充分:第壹,產業趨勢與該公司在產業中的定位,與該公司的基本背景與發展;第二,應征職務的內容,以及該公司未來成長的方向。 如果妳想應征計算機零件物流方面的工作,妳可以回答: ive read the annual reports of your company of the past three years, and i have come to realize that your company enjoys leadership in domestic distribution of computer parts. 我閱讀了貴公司過去三年的年報,我知道貴公司是國內計算機零件的物流龍頭。 i believe that my management experience will be an asset to your company. 我相信,我的管理經驗對貴公司會是項資產。