經濟數學economic mathematics
基礎會計Basic Aounting
統計會計學原理general theory of statistics and Aounting
中級財務會計middle-level financial aounting
電算化會計1. aounting puterization
2. aounting by electronic data processing
管理會計administrative aounting
審計學原理1. auditing principle
2. principle of auditing
成本會計cost aounting
西方經濟學western economics
財務管理 financial management
經濟法概論Introduction to Economic Law
計算機基礎實驗 吧?Basic Experiments in Computer
基礎會計 經濟法概論 是專有名詞要大寫首字母的
急求 大學會計課程的英文翻譯~~~~~~~~~~~~The Deng Xiaoping
Theory introduction
applications basis
sports 1234
university Chinese
political economics
(A) economy
mathematics basis
statistics principle
(A) Auditing
Principles principle
cost aounting
ideological and
ethical attainments
basis aountant
middle rank
financial aounting
electricity finally
spends pragmatic
English of
aountant college
student vocational
counsel 1234
economic laws
introduction economy
practical writing
writing industry and
operation and
international trade
principle financial
control west
economics high-grade
aounting graduate
school assignment
social investigation
幫忙翻譯幾個課程英文(機械)特種加工 Special Machining
機械設計技術 Mechanical Design Technology
機械制造 Machinery Manufacture
機械制造工藝 Machinery-building Technology
單片機原理 microcontrollers principles or single chip principle
自動控制原理 Automatic Control Theory
信號采集及處理技術 signal acquisition and technical process
PLC控制 PLC Control
互換性與技術 Exchangeability & technology
機電壹體化 Mechatronics 或Mechanical & Electrical Integration
Auto CAD
液壓與氣壓傳動 Hydraulic and Pneumatic Tran *** ission
測試技術 Testing Technology
Macquarie U 和UTS,選哪個會計課程好?要是想在那邊工作或移民的話,從工作簽證來說還是讀2年的,或者妳讀麥考瑞2.5年註會考試的那種課程。
Eductional systme:
Student number:
Class number: professional: class name: name: sex: graduation card number:
course category name call credit
School prehensive scores of the first semester in the second semester
prehensive performance prehensive prehensive performance in the fourth
semester of the third trimester grades integrated prehensive fifth semester
grades 6 semester grades
A pulsory English (1) (2) required moary banking required advanced
financial aounting
Compulsory management basic pulsory macro to microco *** ic economics
required national economic aounting
Compulsory aounting system design required senior financial management
required financial statement *** ysis
Limited to choose audit case study limited financial case study in
international finance
Take marketing international trade principle taking introduction to
statistical laws and regulations
Taking aounting case study social practice practice graduation thesis
Learning points school which meet the minimum graduation credits
Central radio and TV university open education graduate transcript
課程英文名翻譯普通話語音訓練 Putonghua training voice
影視鑒賞 Television Appreciation
設施農業工程 Agricultural engineering facilities
藝術美學 Art Aesthetics
園林規劃設計概論 An Introduction to Landscape Planning and Design
必修 Compulsory
公***選修 Elective public
科內選修 Division of elective
專業選修 Professional elective
選讀 Selected
科內方向選修 Division of the direction of elective
必讀課 Mandatory classes
其中 Which
文化素質教育 Cultural Education
環境生態工程模塊 Environmental engineering module
設施農業模塊 Agricultural facilities module
科內方向選修課 Division of the direction of elective course
科內選修課 Division of elective course
專業選修課 Professional elective course
Introductory Aounting
Macroeconomics 1
Commercial Law
Business Computing 1
Financial Aounting
Management Aounting and Business
Business Statistics 1
Corporate Aounting
Introduction to Organisational Behaviour
Company Law
Cost Management and Applications
Auditing 1
Prices and Markets
Taxation 1
Management Aounting Systems
Aounting Theory
Ethical Issues in Aountancy
Strategic Decision Making for Aountants