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the click five資料

the click five

中文名稱:Greetings From Imrie House



專輯歌手:The Click Five






特別推薦全美itunes單曲下載冠軍曲”Just The Girl”及”I'll Take My Chances”、”Angel To You (Devil To Me)”等亮眼佳作.

看到封面的造型打扮,應該心中又是壹堆”大搞復古之濫觴”等疑問詞,但是這五位小男生所組成的The Click Five,可是大小通吃的引發近期壹陣偶像搖滾騷動,同樣伴隨龐克樂有著絕地大反攻之勢,大氣且宣泄年輕旺盛精力,飆奏出隨樂搖擺\之正點悸動!

來自美國波士頓由Eric Dill(主唱、主奏吉他手)、Joe Guese(吉他手)、Ethan Mentzer(貝斯手)、Ben Romans(鍵盤手)與Joey Zehr(鼓手)五人所組成的The Click Five,還是柏克萊音樂學院的學生之時,彼此引薦相互激撞音樂火花下,開始在校區附近表演,同時著手音樂創作,在那音樂人才輩出的競爭激烈區域,The Click Five憑藉毫不害羞的厚臉皮表演欲,著迷吉他旋律搖滾之曲式,很快的憑藉他們實力獲邀連Alanis Morissette、Moby、Fleetwood Mac都曾登臺過的波士頓最受矚目之Paradise Rock Club表演,自制壹萬張的EP,在極短時間銷售壹空,2003年吸引Lava/Atlantic註意,順利進入國際大廠簽下壹紙合約。

企劃長達兩年的時間,終在2005年發行The Click Five首張大碟“Greetings From Imrie House”,首周以五萬兩千余張銷售量,占據全美流行專輯榜Top15,制作/混音的部分則請來Mike Denneen (Aimee Mann、Fountains Of Wayne、Letters To Cleo)擔剛。首支與葛萊美獎提名青睞Fountains Of Wayne的Adam Schlesinger***同創作之成名曲”Just The Girl”,挾帶暢意流行龐克聲線,洋溢校園青春舞韻,迅速跳入流行單曲榜Top11、熱門數位單曲榜冠軍與Pop100第八名位置;另壹首壹起譜寫之作”I’ll Take My Chances”,呈現風格迥異的動人舒緩小品,不但有合聲/假音譜入,更加上突出明亮吉他Solo,營造80年代抒情搖滾的那份感動;絕對喚起每位聆聽者蠢蠢欲動鼓噪的心,隨著”Friday Night”壹起在周末入夜後的Club舞池點燃揮汗搖擺\之情緒;很有80年代吉他飆奏氣流與合聲觸感的”Angel To You (Devil To Me)”,則是請到濃妝艷抹搖滾大團Kiss的主力戰將Paul Stanley***同催生。完全不失流行音感,同樣兼具實力與技巧,是組不容妳小覷的耀眼新團。

知道這張頗為優秀的搖滾佳作已是專輯發行壹年以後了,在亞馬遜的無意試聽,讓我徹底記住並迅速喜歡上這支年輕的搖滾樂隊The Click Five!可以說這是來自美國的Busted,當busted已風光不再,Click Five卻進入了我們的視線,讓我們又看到了當年busted的影子!讓我第壹次就喜歡上他們的歌是Good day,隨後又陸續喜歡"Angel To You (Devil To Me)""Say goodbye"I'll Take My Chances""Just The Girl"....主唱的聲音非常卡哇依,尤其是在真假聲轉換的那壹點上處理的相當到位相當自然,這也讓我感到特別的欽佩!相信聽了他們的歌曲後妳壹定會和我壹樣鐘愛這支可愛的美國搖滾樂隊!




1.Good Day

2.Just the Girl

3.Catch Your Wave

4.I'll Take My Chances

5.Friday Night

6.Angel To You (Devil To Me)



9.Pop Princess

10.Time Machine

11.Say Goodbye

來自美國波士頓由 Eric Dill(主唱、主奏吉他手)、Joe Guese(吉他手)、Ethan Mentzer(貝斯手)、Ben Romans(鍵盤手)與Joey Zehr(鼓手)五人所組成的 The Click Five,還是柏克萊音樂學院的學生之時,彼此引薦相互激撞音樂火花下,開始在校區附近表演,同時著手音樂創作,在那音樂人才輩出的競爭激烈區域。

The Click Five 憑借毫不害羞的厚臉皮表演欲,著迷吉他旋律搖滾之曲式,很快的憑借他們實力獲邀連 Alanis Morissette、Moby、Fleetwood Mac 都曾登臺過的波士頓最受矚目之 Paradise Rock Club 表演,自制壹萬張的EP,在極短時間銷售壹空,2003年吸引Lava/Atlantic 註意,順利進入國際大廠簽下壹紙合約。

企劃長達兩年的時間,終在2005年發行The Click Five首張大碟“Greetings From Imrie House”,首周以五萬兩千余張銷售量,占據全美流行專輯榜Top15

2007年換了主音Kyle Patrick之後的第1張專輯,風格由之前的類似busted那種搞怪風格變成了循規蹈矩的搖滾,主唱雖然很帥,但之前我對於TC5的熱情卻完全減退了,不知道是不是換主唱對於歌迷的打擊還是其他什麽矛盾的心情,總之依然懷念2005年的TC5...

Modern Minds and Pastimes

歌 手:The Click Five

語 種:英語

時 間:2007年06月

公 司:Atlantic

01. Flipside

02. Jenny

03. Happy Birthday

04. Addicted To Me

05. I Am Getting Over You

06. When I Am Gone

07. Headlight Disco

08. Reason Why

09. All I Need Is You

10. Long Way To Go

11. Mary Jane

12. Empty

資料Eric Dill ( 前主唱)

Hometown: Indianapolis

Birthday: Feb. 10

Height: 5'10"

Favorite Boston eatery: Sushi 21

Allston in three words or less: Not very clean.

Turn-ons: Sweetness, strength, talent, beauty

Turnoffs: Jadedness, boring, lack of character and identity

In five years: "I'll be . . . better."

In five years, The Click Five will: "dominate the world of rock."

From The Trading Card....

Birthdate: February 10, 1982

Hometown: Indianapolis, IN

Height: 5'10"

Eye Color: Hazel

Favorite Music Atrists: Radiohead, Tool, A Perfect Circle, Elton John,

Billy Joel, Dio, U2, Fear Factory, Sigur Ros, John Denver

First Concert: Green Day

Favorite Sport: Football

資料Ben Romans (鍵盤手)

Hometown: Salina, Kan.

Birthday: Feb. 10

Height: 5'11"

Favorite Boston eatery: Stephanie's on Newbury

Allston in three words or less: Decadent, rocking, tragic

Turn-ons: Swedish girls, Southern accents, wit, charm

Turnoffs: "Lots of them, but I don't want to be mean so I won't say."

In five years: "I'll be . . . in the biggest band in the world. I might be married with a child named Rocky, surfing in my back yard and driving a vintage lime-green VW surf wagon."

In five years, The Click Five will: "be dominating and touring the world and making a kick-ass action film during our offseason."

From The Trading Card....

Birthdate: February 10, 1982

Hometown: Salina, KS

Height: 5'11"

Eye Color: Blue

Favorite Music Atrists: The Beach boys The Beatles, The Wondermints,

Ben Folds Five, The Darkness

First Concert: Weezer

Favorite Sport: Baseball

資料Ethan Mentzer (貝司手)

Hometown: Hershey, Pa.

Birthday: March 15

Height: 6'

Favorite Boston eatery: Sushi Express

Allston in three words or less: Trashy, indie, collegiate

Turn-ons: A nice smile, older women, troublemakers

Turnoffs: Clinginess, unmotivated people, talking too much

In five years: "I'll be . . . done with my college loans."

In five years, The Click Five will: "be the biggest band in the world."

From The Trading Card....

Birthdate: March 15, 1983

Hometown: Hershey, PA

Height: 6'

Eye Color: Hazel

Favorite Music Atrists: The Beatles, Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers,

The Cars, The Candy Butchers, Aimee Mann

First Concert: Phil Collins

Favorite Sport: Tennis

資料Joe Guese (吉他手)

Hometown: Denver

Birthday: Jan. 14

Height: 5'10"

Favorite Boston eatery: Uncle Pete's BBQ

Allston in three words or less: Rats

Turn-ons: Red Sox winning, the Denver Broncos, great barbecue

Turnoffs: Yankees winning

In five years: "I'll be . . . playing golf."

In five years, The Click Five will: "be playing golf professionally."

From The Trading Card....

Birthdate: January 14, 1983

Hometown: Denver, CO

Height: 5'0"

Eye Color: Green

Favorite Music Atrists: The Beatles, The Byrds, The Beach Boys,

Gram Parsons, Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers

First Concert: Big Head Todd and the Monsters

Favorite Sport: Football

資料Joey Zehr (鼓手)

Hometown: Indianapolis

Birthday: May 10

Height: 6'

Favorite Boston eatery: Bisuteki

Allston in three words or less: Fun, young, diverse

Turn-ons: Brunettes, sense of humor, shyness, humility

Turnoffs: Laziness, rudeness, obnoxiousness

In five years: "I'll be . . . on the moon."

In five years, The Click Five will: "own Disneyland."

From The Trading Card....

Birthdate: May 10, 1983

Hometown: Indianapolis, IN

Height: 6'

Eye Color: Hazel

Favorite Music Atrists: Jimmy eat world, Led Zeppelin, The Who, Jimi Hendrix,

Sam Roberts, Jay-Z, Phantom Planet, Silverchair

First Concert: New Kids On The Block

Favorite Sport: Rugby
